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Significance of Home Education Today

May 2, 2017 by Tunya

Significance of Home Education Today

I am really happy for you and family in the home education experience. I would like to know if you ever contacted any support groups for information or even sharing of lessons or field trips. Also, if any researchers have contacted you for information or observation.

It is astounding how ed research into home education has ballooned into a huge industry — PhD theses, books, huge conferences (next Global Home Education Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018).

I was involved in the early stages of the movement (1970s) but now try to keep a watching brief on dangers and incursions to the field. Please see

I agree with you that we need to be wary of government schooling. In my 1987 academic article I mention that home education is seen by “freedom fighters” as part of a two-fold mission to generally retrieve individual responsibility from "disabling professionals” and the “predatory” state. See:

[This is my response to a reader of my Facebook post yesterday about a parent of five children leaving public school for home education or private education.]


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