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Stop Discredited Reading Method

November 5, 2016 by Tunya

Damning Proof Of Child School Abuse

My thoughts on these TWO “smoking guns” (two copied sheets sent by email to ECC readers by Deb with the subject being — Reading homework first grade early October).

1 These sheets shared by a Gr 1 child’s mother show that Whole-Language is currently being used as a primary reading method decades after serious discrediting of the “psycholinguistic guessing game”.

2 I closely read the instructions. I felt both for the mother and child trying to faithfully follow the instructions. I cringed and soon felt great sympathy for the young parent who was likely feeling that she was inflicting pure sequential, sustained and systematic torture on the child.

3 Thankfully, the parent passed on her concern to someone like Deb who can help raise the alarm. There must be dozens of ways to broadcast our dismay about this inappropriate method of teaching reading and hopefully some formal means can be activated to stop this.

4 I add my voice to the previous reader who expresses disappointment — “We have made no progress”.

5 Hopefully dozens more people can add their names to exposing this misconduct that is allowed to continue to this day.

[Thank you Deb for bringing this forward!]

PS:  I can send the 2 sheets as PDFs via email but don't know how to make them into links.


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