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Public Education — one long experiment !

April 2, 2016 by Tunya

Why Is Schooling So Experimental — Still?

No other field — medicine, engineering, pharmacy, accounting, etc. — plays with its customers as much as the education field. This should not be allowed as there are no safeguards against the damage being done. What is joyful and exciting for educators is still a “cat-&-mouse” game for students — students still get whacked in the end. Stories abound concerning crying, frustrated students and desperate parents seeking alternatives.

The other professional fields mentioned do not have hosts of frustrated subjects who are denied best practices.

The public money gathered for the purpose of education of the young should not be so poorly managed that discredited methods are still allowed to proliferate. And experimentation without human-subject protocols in place should be stopped altogether.

One big problem is that the governors of this abysmal situation still hold that one-size-fits all and that we are still looking for one-best-system. Well, that stubborn belief (religion) is over. A “relinquishment” movement is building. Time to let go folks. Choices via the public education dollar are long overdue and people who oppose what they judge are inappropriate practices in our near-monopoly schools should have access to their portion of the dollar allocated to education to find alternatives.

This abuse of children is so painful to watch.

[ on SQE 20160402 —  Math For Life ]

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