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E D Hirsch “wave” of Ed Reform – II

October 9, 2015 by Tunya

Catching The WAVE Of Knowledge-based Education Reform — The GOOD NEWS (Part II)

Links from “Knowledge Matters: Why is the Core Knowledge Curriculum Experiencing a Revival? Sept 21, 2015 by Paul W. Bennett:

1 Cultural literacy: Michael Gove's school of hard facts By Fran Abrams, BBC Education & Family Section, 25 October 2012 [Hirsch effect on Gove, former UK Ed Sec]

2 Knowledge & the Curriculum: A Collection of essays to accompany E D Hirsch lecture at Policy Exchange, 17 Sept’15, 83pg

3 34 customer reviews. For over 50 years, American schools have operated under the assumption that challenging children academically is unnatural . . . teachers don’t need to know the subjects . . . All this is tragically wrong”. [The 1999 PB issue is worth the extra 2pg intro, reporting progress over last 3 yrs from the ’96 issue.]

4 “Certain things then follow from that”: Notes on ED Hirsch’s Policy Exchange lecture [Another link here provides further links of reports from Hirsch talk including link to transcript AND voice recording of Hirsch.]

5 Michael Gove speaks about the future of education reform July 10, 2014

6 egalitarian concept as noted in link #4 above, Daisy’s report. [Note: Hirsch, in his book (pg7) denies that his educational standpoint is either “traditional” or “progressive”. He says: “It is pragmatic.”]

7 link to #5 above, relating to the state of Massachusetts having adopted the core knowledge curriculum, topping achievement scores and called the Massachusetts Miracle.

8 Reading Comprehension Requires Knowledge— of Words and the World Scientific Insights into the Fourth-Grade Slump and the Nation’s Stagnant Comprehension Scores, E D Hirsch, 2003, 14 pg

9 link to #5 above relating to 1993 Education Reform Act

10 The Redemption of E. D. Hirsch How my kids’ progressive school helped teach me the value of a content-rich curriculum, Dec’13, Sol Stern, 6pg [reading Hirsch showed how progressive fads “did more harm than good” . . . most devastating consequence of these doctrines was that they widened, rather than reduced, the gap in intellectual capital between middle-class children and those from disadvantaged families.”]

11 The Hirsch Effect, Mary Myatt report from the Hirsch lecture, Sept’15. [1 pg, 4 more links]

[published in Educhatter]



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