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January, 2014

  1. BK Rev: Credentialed to Destroy . . . Education as Weapon

    January 21, 2014 by Tunya

    Credentialed to Destroy:  How and Why Educstion Became a Weapon, Robin Eubanks

    my review in &

    We Must Comprehend The Title’s Meaning

    It’s much easier to describe, “licensed to kill”, than it is to explain this title — Credentialed to Destroy.  But, there is a story that explains both title and general theme of the book.

    Here is the story:  A Math PhD was hired as an administrator and there was relief and belief that with this person at the helm, math scores would go up.  They didn’t.  The school board failed to take into account the specialization.  The dissertation was on Equity Pedagogy — declaring traditional mathematics to be a form of social oppression.  The “expert” was intent on moving the coursework “away” from the transmission of math knowledge, skills, and practices.

    Critical Theory and Equity Studies are common in teacher training and it is not uncommon to integrate these concepts with a school subject as math or literacy.   Often these graduates bring a tacit agenda with them when hired into the school system and will often gravitate to “social justice” or “social responsibility” themes in curriculum committees or school practice.

    This story comes from pg 34 of the book “Credentialed to Destroy: How and Why Education Became a Weapon by Robin Eubanks.  The book takes on the “intended transformation” of public schools through Common Core Initiatives or other 21st Century Learning efforts.  The PhD story explains the title — credentialed to destroy.  The incremental dumbing-down in schools these past decades is charted and researched in this book.

    The author is a lawyer.  She carefully builds her case and brings forth persuasive exhibits.

    Chapter 1 names key thought leaders of 200 years  — Marx, Dewey, Vygotsky, etc. — who have envisioned education as a political weapon and tool to bring forth a collectivist worldview.

    Chapter 2 takes on the reading wars and explains the intention not to teach reading and why.

    Chapter 3 deals with math and science wars and how the analytical thinker is a threat to constructing a new worldview.

    Chapter 4 deals with “competency” as a term and a notion that is to be embedded in the narratives and curriculum and meant to push aside our insistence on skills (3Rs) and knowledge.

    Social engineering of a sophisticated nature is to be used to change minds, beliefs and feelings.  Social emotional learning  (SEL) is to become a measurable “competency”.   To what end? Why, to develop “citizens” who will be in sync with 21st Century global needs! Creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration are the 4 Cs to emphasize. 

    Eubanks sees  these contrived “transformations” as seriously jeopardizing prosperity. She has researched these education initiatives far and wide and searched UN documents and many sources.  I can say right now that in British Columbia this “transformation” is well on it’s way, without real public understanding, with educators amateurishly cutting-and-pasting from international documents, and with core competencies becoming a fixture.

    Eubanks suggests no solutions or approaches but carefully builds our awareness.  Will we be in time to prevent wholesale serfdom and self-subversion?  Exit and Escape may be the only alternative.


  2. Parent Meetings With School Officials

    January 20, 2014 by Tunya

    A meeting with school officials can be daunting — all these related meanings with different twists convey the absolute TERROR some parents may feel — intimidating, unnerving, scary, overwhelming, demoralizing.  You get the picture.  Parents can be dumbfounded, regardless of their composure in other settings in their capable lives.  There are far too many instances where parents are made to feel INADEQUATE, and this won’t help.  If your dealings on behalf of your child have come to a point where “THE MEETING” is scheduled, here are some pointers:

    FIRST:             Make sure any meeting is convenient to you.  You can ask for more convenient times.  Especially, if you need to bring a lawyer.

    SECOND:        You should NEVER go to a meeting by yourself.  Take someone with you, and not just for comfort, but also as witness.  Sometimes these events are the beginning of a longer journey.  A priest, a lawyer, just about anyone will do (a neighbor), even if they don’t speak.

    THIRD:            Take in a Tape Recorder and turn it on immediately at the start.  Say that the meeting will be taped in case you need it later.  You can place the tape in a sealed envelope and keep it with you.  You may need it for court purposes or for a meeting in Executive session with the School Board.

    FOURTH:        You, as parent have the RIGHT and DUTY to monitor your child’s HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HAPPINESS.  That’s one reason we have Report Cards.  But, also, you are always monitoring your child’s physical and mental health.  You do this because you’re living with your child and know his or her day and night behaviors, feelings and fears. Your concerns, beyond the academic, should be shared.

    FIFTH:      Malpractice court action is a possibility.  If your child is suffering HARM — that school behaviors are causing FEARS, PHOBIAS OR NIGHTMARES — and you can get medical verification in support, you can sue.  Officials need to know this is an extreme, but available, path parents can follow.

    SIXTH:     Do not hesitate to withdraw the child from the school if you see it in the best interests of the child — a mental health break may be indicated.  Home education by correspondence courses or other means discovered using the Internet or local support groups could provide the tools and peace of mind for a home-based program.

    [My comment:  Parents must realize that, by law, in the end result, THEY ARE responsible for their child’s education.  Only in totalitarian nations does the state dictate.  Please see this list of Parent Rights, codified after studying good practice about this matter ]

  3. New Teaching Programs Fill a NICHE, A Need

    January 19, 2014 by Tunya


    While Teach For Canada (TFC) is still in it’s infancy it is definitely well-meaning. The idea of Teach For All projects is now active in 32 countries around the world. Three main principles inform this movement — 1) overcoming education inequities, 2) improving disadvantaged schools, and 3) advancing teaching excellence.

    What’s to dislike about that? It should appeal to all well-meaning folks, regardless of political stripe. The TFAustralia project was officially launched in late 2008 by the then Federal Education Minister, Julia Gillard MP (Labor).

    Parents, in particular, are EXTREMELY anxious to get their children educated in their lifetimes. They are not easily put-off by promises of improvements over the long-haul. Increasingly, parents and public see choice as the only strategy to bring about satisfactory education in a young person’s lifetime.

    In the UK a Report by the Sutton Group unleashed scathing headlines that parents were “cheating” when they found ways to enrol their kids in their preferred schools or who used tutoring services to supplement or remediate schooling. The title of the report — “Parent Power? Using money and information to boost children’s chances of educational success”. Why shouldn’t parents do all they can to help in social mobility? Keep them off the dole (welfare)?

    Again, I’m going to applaud the Australian Coalition politicians who have launched a Review of the education system to determine public opinion. They, at least, seem to care about parents.

    I find the comments of the new Minister of Education, Christopher Pyne, so refreshing.

    *** “Those who are critical of the review and question the sincerity of the government’s motives might be forgetting that incoming governments not only have a right to review their predecessor’s policies, they have a duty to do so, to ensure policies are still relevant, needed, cost-effective and meet voters’ expectations, as variously expressed in the most recent and decisive election.

    *** “we need a national curriculum, we must ensure it genuinely meets students’ needs, matches parents’ expectations and drives education quality.

    *** “This nation’s curriculum policy must not be captured by any fad, by any vested interest group, or by those pursuing political or narrow agendas.”

    This is tomorrow’s news from the Minister — they are ahead of us in more ways than one!

    Our politicians in Canada would be petrified to have to listen to “parents’ expectations”. Besides, the BLOB won’t let our provinces have education Reviews. They’ve got the politicians wrapped up as pretzels.

  4. Why Is Education So Vulnerable To Gurus ?

    January 18, 2014 by Tunya

    Michael Fullan, a leading guru in the education field — books, consultations, system turn-arounds, etc. — said it best,  "People only call me a guru because they can't spell charlatan".

    It’s amazing how gullible people in education are.  As long as there is a sweet-talker, with lots of edu-babble and gobbledygook, with solutions that will take 10-20 years, they buy it.  WHY?  Because, anything to delay the inevitable disestablishment of the bureaucratic dysfunctional system is worth buying into.

    So, actually it’s not gullibility.  It’s practical, self-serving,  “mutual need” to support these gurus (charlatans – I’m sure people on this site can rhyme off a dozen names).  Gurus keep on working and chalking up the Air Miles, and “the systems” buy more breathing space to pad their bloated bureaucracies.   And the politicians, who DO HAVE SOME POWER, are just slavish patsies in the hands of sophisticated apparatchiks.

    Except in Australia where the new Prime Minister and new Minister of Education have just launched a Review of the National Curriculum developed by the ousted Labor regimen.  These politicians want to determine what the public expects in education as they became convinced there was a “left-biased” worldview being fostered at present.  A Report is due in 6 months time.

    Regarding Diane Ravitch — of course she “protests too much”.  Sol Stern of City Journal has probably produced the best treatment of how one person stood out in earlier education reforms as the voice of wisdom and knowledge and is now the opponent of practically all she stood for.

    Again, it says a lot for the susceptible nature of the education system that they accepted Ravitch for so long.  This new wave of common core transformations, however, is not jumping on her protest bandwagon and anti-TFA barrage. 

    She claims she is right to repudiate her previous certainties as she has seen “the light”.  But, Dianne, can’t you see the 800# gorilla, the elephant in the room?  Are you blind?  The teacher unions you champion must surely be acknowledged as part of the problem in public education.  Credibility is shot when a blind-eye is turned on their role in dysfunction. 

    She has been asked to “atone” many times.   

    [posted to Educhatter on topic of Teach for America, TF Canada, TF Australia ]



  5. The Big Shift From Reporting “TO” Parents to “Communicating “

    January 17, 2014 by Tunya

    I’m trying to trace a trajectory HOW and WHY reporting TO parents now becomes communicating.

    In preparation for teacher union “job action” or “strike” 2011-2012 — negotiations preceded as to which services could be withdrawn as education is deemed an “essential service” in British Columbia.

    2011, July 27— BCPSEA newsletter lists 30 out of 31 administrative duties BCTF asked to withdraw.  “Prepare or distribute report cards” was one of the 30 approved.  The 31st, taking and transmitting student attendance to the office, was still in dispute and to have a separate LRB hearing (p3     “Attendance taking” was later deemed essential.

    2011, Aug 08, “Withholding Student Reports is Illegal”, blog post by T Audain  with excerpt from the School Act.  Comments dealt with the damage to the family and civil society when reports are withheld.

    2012, Jan 19 A parent starts the Facebook page — Where Is My Kids Report Card? Interviews on CKNW radio and newspapers.  From Day 1 & throughout the strike teachers swarmed the site with their comments and spoke to parents’ dissatisfactions.  The message was that teachers were doing even more than usual to communicate with parents through emails and other means. Several pointed remarks, however, specifically said that parents should be nice.  Some parents said that there was a “spotty” record of these communications and that the 60 districts differed greatly.

    August 2012 — “Enabling Innovation — Transforming Curriculum and Assessment”  BC Ministry of Education document,  11 pages,

    on the topic of reporting

    – “The advisory group recommended a shift in language use—from "reporting" to "communicating student learning"—to highlight the importance of ongoing communication between learners, teachers, and parents.”  p7

     – The concept of 5 core competencies was mentioned many times, which are different from the traditional skills (3Rs) and they are 1) communication, 2) critical thinking, 3) creative thinking and innovation, 4) personal responsibility and well-being, and 5) social responsibility.  These were to be cross-curricular, that is, to be expected from all subjects and class work.

    2013 April 06 — a Ministry official, spoke to parents regarding special needs.  She mentioned that the personalized learning and BC Ed Plan were well on their way as policy and practice and that regardless of who wins the provincial election (May 14) the plan was a go ahead as it was part of a global transformation in education, “It’s international.” She mentioned a number of times that “communicating with parents” about competencies and achievements would be a priority.

    MY OPINION:  I still think NOT producing report cards with standard grades is illegal.  The School Act is specific and I take this in two ways: 1) That it’s a duty and part of the contract that government schools undertake, and 2) That it’s the undertaking and expectation of the parent to receive these reports to monitor the child’s standing and to be thereby equipped, if indicated, to ask the school for remedial service, to find outside tutoring, or to remove the child to another educational setting, be it the home or another school.

    Ever since I became involved with the pioneer efforts of the home education movement I became aware of “Grade Levels”.  Home educating parents usually relied on a simple chart provided by World Book, which outlined the subject matter and skills expected at the grade/age levels.  As long as that minimum was achieved, it was clear sailing. 

    And, as long as parents willingly entrust their children to government schools they should expect that bare minimum assurance, outside of serious learning disability, of receiving a report as to their child’s standing according to expectations for their age.  To withhold and deny a report with standard benchmarks is to seriously undermine the role of the family in education of their children.  Families should not give up their right to receive standard reports from their child’s school.  TA