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Teacher union influence in politics

December 11, 2014 by Tunya

[Tom Fletcher, legislative reporter wrote about the dubious value of school boards under influence of teacher unions.   Protest letters cam in from a teacher unionist and trustee, denying this influence.  I wrote:]

Teacher Unions In BC Shape Education Politics & Trustee Elections


When Tom Fletcher writes his reports for the Black Press newspapers he does so from a provincial and general perspective. What he says may not ring exactly true in each area the newspaper publishes. What he says about teacher union involvement in trustee elections does generally apply. He says: “This has been going on for so long in B.C. it is seen as normal.”

One of the worst examples occurred in 2008 when Victoria teacher union actually proceeded to obtain signed pledges in return for financial support. Burnaby teacher union followed suit with a list of 10 pledges they wanted in exchange for their support. Here are some of those “expectations”:

– work to prevent privatization of education

– elimination of standardized data collection (FSA)

– support the Charter for Public Education

– promote social justice and equity 

– support teacher professionalism

– are willing and able to speak out publicly on these issues





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