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October, 2014

  1. 21st Century Learning — Dangers Ahead !

    October 1, 2014 by Tunya


    [I’m trying to use some “shock value” to alert people to the nice-sounding terms coming out of the mouths of change-agents who are trying to radically “reform” education.  Let me know if this is too far-fetched.]

    Here’s A Rip Van Winkle Story – An Epiphany Of Sorts

    Actually, this is about Rip van Dinkle. Here is the extract from Wikipedia — then I’ll come to my point.

    *** A 1988 issue of “Boys’ Life”, with its “Dink & Duff” comic strip has the African-American cub scout Dink pondering the meaning of Americanism, only to lapse into a coma and awaken in 2068 . . . He is greeted by a boy who addresses him as “Rip van Dinkle”, who tells him that in the 80 years that have passed the United States of America has been defunct and is now the “Royal Dominion of America”, or R.D.A., a monarchy under a “King Kongoon”. Dink is appalled by the heavy regulations he is now subject to, such as only being allowed to wear the official R.D.A. uniform instead of his Cub Scout uniform or only being allowed to eat vegetables in order to contribute to a “healthy society”. Dink is shocked awake back to 1988 realizing it was only a nightmare, but with a better understanding of personal liberty. ***

    Now to come to my point: It is a useful exercise to project into the future , in a Rip Van Winkle way, what we might actually find 20 or so years hence. As we examine many FUTURISTIC education plans, some already in stages of implementation, questions arise. Are these evidence-based or wishful thinking? Are these plans generated from real need with real people on the ground or just dicey proposals from itinerant gurus?

    The conversations on this site (Invisible Serfs Collar) lay the groundwork for these questions, concerns and projections. I am so thankful we have a skilled researcher, Robin, leading the probe.

    I was led to some new research about Wales, which I will share. But before that I bring forward the news that the Michael Fullan we hear about — “the Lead Global Change Agent” — has a new assignment here in Ontario and will be joined by three others: Andrew Hargreaves from Boston, Dr Carol Campbell from OISE, and Dr Jean Clinton from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences (child psychiatry) at McMaster University. They are to help with that province’s 21st C plan called Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario.

    The Wales research was something Hargreaves was involved with, along with OECD Schleicher and others — the usual competencies, etc. What I bring forward from this 143 pg 2014 report is the model (to emulate?) of the 21st C plan for Alberta, another province in Canada. There is a story here.

    The Alberta Plan is called “Inspiring Education” and was developed in the usual stealth manner — gurus, Ministry bureaucrats and Minister, and the teacher union. Then, there was a change of leadership in the governing party (due to resignation of the Premier). As new candidates campaigned and spoke with their constituencies they soon became aware of concerns by “customers” (mainly parents) of the new “competency-laden”, skill-short plan. The new Premier, sworn in on 8th Sept, had promised to “halt all major education curriculum overhauls under his premiership”.

    A new Minister of Education is now to steer recovery of Alberta’s famous glory as a high achieving province in Canadian and International Education Assessments. In the last 6 years there was a dismal slide in achievement.

    Here is the model that was boasted in the Wales report and still remains as a desirable model for OECD pursuits. From pg 118:

    *** “The Educated Albertan of 2030” – the education vision of Alberta, Canada

    Albertans have articulated their vision for education through specific outcomes which have been summarized as “the three E’s” of education for the 21st century.

    Engaged thinker – Alberta must cultivate students with an inquisitive, engaged mind. Students that are prepared to ask “why?” and think critically about the answers they receive.

    Ethical citizen – Knowing the answer is not enough. Our children and grandchildren must be ethical, compassionate and respectful to truly grow and thrive.

    Entrepreneurial spirit – To shape innovative ideas into real-world solutions, our education system should develop motivated, resourceful and resilient citizens. Alberta would do well to encourage our students to be bold, embrace leadership and actively seek new opportunities. ***

    MY CONCLUSION: Here is one jurisdiction, Alberta, having been caught up in the 21st C Learning Craze, now defying the Rip Van Dinkle epiphany of the loss of personal liberties so many other world jurisdictions are now blindly following and headed for !