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Freedom be damned — Transformation of Education will happen — like it or not

February 25, 2014 by Tunya

How FREEDOM is being compromised — how our 21st Century is like no other — bears a close watch.

Right now forces are at work to TRANSFORM public education in many nations without our knowledge or permission.  Let's not forget all this is also a big experiment, and the usual protocols for how human subjects are put through the paces are nowhere to be seen.  What if there are HARMS that result?

Anyway, in your school, in your community, watch for the signals of something DEEP happening — even on the scale of a global world government project !

It’s a dead giveaway.  If you hear someone rhyme off the 4Cs without skipping a beat, you know you’ve got someone programmed to push “international  “21st Century Learning.

Kathleen Wynne, Premier, ex-Ed Minister,  got it right — “creativity, collaboration, community and critical thinking.”  Usually, though it’s “communications” for her “community”, but anyway, you get the picture.

Look for concepts thrown around like “deep thinking”, “going deeper”  — remind you of Transcendental Meditation maybe?  NO, it’s the new “transformation”.  BTW, “transform” and “transformation” are frequently used words. 

Not “evolve’  mind you, where things happen by degrees and with considerable involvement and understanding.  “Transformation”, on the other hand is imposed and deliberately directed by “leaders” and guided through common documents, and really rather sneakily.  “Shady”, says Stotsky who was once on the CC Panel who broke away from sworn secrecy to raise an alarm.  She’s not the only one from that group.

Please, just give Google a try.  Use these words — 4cs 21st Century Learning — and you’ll soon be on the track — the international trail.

Two key books on the topic of Common Core and international agendas are:

“Credentialed to Destroy – How and Why Education Became a Weapon” by Eubanks (see the reviews on but order from ca) and “The Story-Killers: A Common-Sense Case Against the Common Core”. 

Spend an hour to hear Dr. Moore about the curriculum expected if Common Core is adopted in the US —

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