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Parents & Schools In The 21st Century

December 21, 2012 by Tunya

It's Dec 21 st and the world has not come to an end!

It's Winter Solstice — in the Northern Hemisphere anyway — and the darkest day of the year will now turn to longer days and more sunshine.

A blaze of Sunshine has just broken through and I'm delighted.

However, thanks to the Internet, I've just been struck, as if by lightening that all is not well in the parent involvement in schools field. Looks like parents, those legally and biologically entrusted as ultimate decision-makers in the education of their children, are systematically being squeezed out of the picture.

Parents Are Being "Normed" Out Incrementally

We had a teacher strikin in British Columbia, Canada last year.  One of the job actions was for teachers to produce blank report cards.

This year, in Ontario Canada, teachers are writing just one sentence in the Report Cards under orders from the teacher unions.

This should not only be illegal, it is morally reprehensible.  Withholding critical information from parents is undermining their role to participate meaningfully and monitor their child's progress.

I went to the Internet — What to do with Blank Report Cards during Teacher's Strikes —

It seems this is an international problem.  Is there a concerted, systematic, deliberate strategy by teacher unions to prevent parents from making decisions about their kids in public schools?  

If parents see their child is not meeting expectations they should be able to seek other choices.  

It's a vested interest of teacher unions to keep parents in public schools and parents should be aware that they are being denied information by which to make informed decisions about their children's education.







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